Friday, November 30, 2012

No U-Turns on Penn -- Part Deux

Y'all may have read my post on the "No U-Turns on Penn" that I did about a month ago. Virtually on the month-aversary of that ride the Mayor announced changes to the motor vehicle code regarding U-turns across bike lanes that increase the penalty and should hopefully help with the issue.

Here's WABA's blog entry on it:

Which brings me back to one of the biggest challenges that any bicycle or transportation advocate has...  Enforcement. Many of you who know me have heard my rants on enforcement, or lack there-of.  I'll keep this short and sweet.

I firmly believe that a lot of the problems the DC area has between transportation groups (cyclists, drivers, pedestrians, people on pogo sticks) would be helped significantly, if not partially solved with better enforcement of existing laws on ALL OF US!  None of us behave particularly well if there's visible reward for behaving badly and few/no visible consequences for doing so.

Bottom line:  This is a good thing.  Let's hope the momentum is enough to have this new code enforced.

Have a good weekend, y'all!


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